Definition Of Technology Know How
Bag of tricks a supply of ways of accomplishing something.
Definition of technology know how. Know how means all technical information know how and data including inventions whether patentable or not discoveries trade secrets specifications instructions processes formulae materials expertise and other technology applicable to compounds formulations compositions products or to their manufacture development registration use or commercialization or methods of assaying or testing them or processes for their manufacture formulations containing them compositions. Every good mechanic has a large bag of tricks. The ability to install configure customize extend maintain and manage technologies and machines. Management know how means the knowledge or skill to manage the team or resources efficiently.
He is capable of handling the team and the resources in an effective manner to give. And λογία logia is the sum of techniques skills methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives such as scientific investigation. Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools processing actions and the extracting of materials. Danger heightened his powers of discrimination.
The earlier definition by sahal 1981 views technology as configuration observing that the transfer object the technology relies on a subjectively determined but specifiable set of processes and products. Know how in management marketing production quality control reliability skilled labor and functional areas. Know how can be defined as confidentially held or better closely held information in the form of unpatented inventions formulae designs drawings procedures and methods together with accumulated skills and experience in the hands of a licensor firm s professional personnel which could assist a transferee licensee of the object product in its manufacture and use and bring to it a competitive advantage. Technical know how means all recorded and unrecorded information and know how relating to the design development or production of the product including but not limited to specific application of the knowledge gained from experience in the design development or production of an article that is necessary or helpful in interpreting applying or interrelating technical data computer software or other intellectual property relating to the product.
The current studies on. Technology science of craft from greek τέχνη techne art skill cunning of hand. If we go by definition of know how it means the knowledge and skill required to do something correctly. So technological know how means the knowledge regarding the use of specific technology or way of doing something more efficiently and effectively.
Ability power possession of the qualities especially mental qualities required to do something or get something done. The term technology is wide and everyone has their way of understanding its meaning. Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or applications whether in industry or in our everyday lives. Knowledge that is directly useful in accomplishing things.
Generally we say that a manager has management know how i e.